Druk HYDRO Energy Limited

Environment & Social Sustainability at our Core


DHyE at Glance

Druk Hydro Energy Limited

Druk Hydro Energy Limited (DHyE) is a 100% subsidiary company of Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC) which was incorporated on December 16, 2021 as an implementer of the small hydropower projects less than or equal to 150 MW. The registered corporate office is at Jigmeling, in Dekiling Gewog, Sarpang. Currently DHyE is executing 3 projects namely, 54 MW Burgangchhu Hydropower Project (HPP) in Nangkor Gewog, Zhemgang, 32 MW Yungichhu HPP in Maedtsho Gewog, Lhuentse, and 18 MW Suchhu HPP in Sangbay Gewog, Haa in Phase-I and 90 MW Jomori HPP in Lauri & Serthi Gewog, Samdrup Jongkhar, 26 MW Druk Bindu I&II HPP in Tendruk, Samtse, Gamri-I & Bamukparomngchhu HPP in Sakteng, Trashigang in Phase-II.

Environment & Social Sustainability

Environmental and social sustainability encompasses the protection of people's lives and health, the economic basis of their livelihood and their ecological, social and cultural environment as well as the sustainable use of natural resources. DHyE is committed to environmental protection and sustainable use of resources to make vital contribution to the future of social sustainability. DHyE is compliance with environmental and social standards as well as environmentally relevant safety, health and technical standards in executing projects while contributing national energy security and local economy.